Saturday, January 30, 2010

Glabrata Treatment Suggest Me Some Treatment For Glabrata Vaginitis Please~?

Suggest me some treatment for Glabrata Vaginitis please~? - glabrata treatment

Hi, I have just the results of my pap smear and said she has a strong growth of Candida glabrata, which is less sensitive to treatment as usual (the normal body temperature, Candida albicans) My doctor gave me a single dose of Flucanazole to see whether it works or not, and I think he has done nothing at all. I am very worried because I am close to my period in a few days. What should I do?

Is there a cream disadvantages to this problem? I do not want cream or tablets in the vagina or cervix Coz I've put my mare! Nystatin cream or something else?

1 comment:

Nikhil M said...

Current boric acid and flucytosine are useful additions to treatment for women with vaginitis refractory C glabrata azole.

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