Sunday, January 17, 2010

Contact Football What Are The Long-term Effects On The Human Body From Playing Contact Football For Numerous Years?

What are the long-term effects on the human body from playing contact football for numerous years? - contact football

The human body is not designed to impact a person to resist playing football. Although the helmet protects the head, the brain is still able to feel the impact of a blow to the head, with the possibility of changing the brain in the cranial cavity.


mamason said...

You will feel like he was hit by a truck with age. Every day, you're wrong. Difficult to move in the morning without pain. Boards will probably arthritis and head injuries. Watch Muhammad Ali. This also appears on the head not only for now.

Reva P said...

Head injury and many forms of arthritis. You must not realize arthritis, but the LCT can not be fully how bad it is.

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