Has anyone seen these shows? - iketeru futari beach chapter
1. Black Cat
2. Ghost In The Shell
3. Ayakashi Ayashi
4 .. Iketeru Futari
6 .. Mouse
7.Sumomomo Momomo
8 .. Sekirei
If you tell me if they are good
Has anyone seen these shows? - iketeru futari beach chapter
1. Black Cat
2. Ghost In The Shell
3. Ayakashi Ayashi
4 .. Iketeru Futari
6 .. Mouse
7.Sumomomo Momomo
8 .. Sekirei
If you tell me if they are good
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1. Black Cat-Pretty good. A little bit of violence in some areas, but good.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Cat_ (...
2. Ghost in the Shell-Its a great anime. It can be very confusing times though.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_in_th ...
3. Ayakashi Ayashi "This anime is really good. I am recommending it, but there are only 25 episodes, so it is short.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayakashi_Ay ...
4 .. Iketeru Futari "I have never seen it, I can not really my opinion of him.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iketeru_Fut ...
5. LOVE ♥ LOVE "I have heard good things about this cartoon, but I've never seen before. It looks very good, so that we can be controlled.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love% E2% 99% ...
6 .. Mouse Ive never seen it either, but it seems very confusing.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouse_% 28mA ...
7.Sumomomo Momomo "I read some manga and it was really good.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumomomo_Mo ...
8.Sekirei "Never heard ofthis. If you notice, I hope it is good if
Sorry if I'm not much help, even if I tried! I hope that one of the anime, although interest. :-P
1) Jack Black is great! He is a 24 EPS
Ghost 2) in the tank is good, but not to my favorites
3) Ayakashi Ayashi've only seen the first episode, but it is good so far
4) I have not seen Iketeru Futari
5) Love Love? is good, but it has some pieces of maturity to him. Very mature.
6) mouse, I have not seen yet, but I will.
7) I have not seen Sumomomo Momomo
8 I've) never seen Sekirei, I think.
I hope that helped a little. :)
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