Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Farm Lessons What Are Some Of The Lessons Learned From The Novel 'Animal Farm' By George Orwell?

What are some of the lessons learned from the novel 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell? - farm lessons

As a critical thinker and classify people according to the limited descriptions correspond to the definitions used. Animals are the best metaphor for people who do not share and can not explain the sharing of human needs in their environment independently difference in understanding the development of personality. Another title could be "political corruption for Dummies."


Anonymou... said...

Tell us what you think some of the lessons learned, and I will say to change my answer if you are in the right direction.

Angie™ (Vivere senza rimpianti) said...

Never give pigs alochal lol jk
Never write the rules that can replace or modify
do not believe what someone says that you believe what they believe
I remember this book last year was great =]

~~RAWR~... said...

A man can as greedy as pigs. It is a metaphor between humans and pigs in the story.

Wad of dumb said...

The Law on animals and humans if given the language and the brain.

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