Monday, December 7, 2009

Glory Days Lyrics And Chords Can Some One Find Me The Lyrics To These Hymns, Please?

Can Some one find me the lyrics to these hymns, Please? - glory days lyrics and chords

Both songs are Catholics
The first group includes the following: to give honor and praise to our God, as they do on the fire today ...
The second said: "We are the light of the world can our light shine before men, may the good that we do not see and give glory to God
"Could you please send the complete texts for the title and maybe a link) (s) (
Thank you very much!

1 comment:

kenziede... said...

The first refers to the glory and praise.

Honor and Praise

R-honor and praise to our God,
That alone gives light to our days.
Many blessings he has
For those who trust in His ways.
1 - We, the son and daughters to him:
Who has the valleys and plains.
In praise of the wonders that God has made us,
In every heart that sings.
2 - In its wisdom, makes us stronger
As gold tested in fire.
Although the power of sin prevails,
Our God, it can still be saved.
3 - Every moment of every day
Our God is ready to record.
Ever ready to seek the lost,
To answer them, pray. ...

The second is "We Are The Light Of The World.

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of God.
Bless, O Lord, make us poor in spirit;
Bless, O Lord, our God.

Chorus: We are the light of day;
May our light shiMainly NE
to see how well we do it
and give glory to God.

2. Blessed are the meek and humble;
they shall inherit the land.
Bless, O Lord, make us humble and gentle;
Bless, O Lord, our God.

3. Blessed are those who weep with grief;
they shall be comforted.
Bless, O Lord, if we share the pain;
Bless, O Lord, our God.

4. Bless those who hunger and thirst after righteousness;
they shall be filled.
Bless, O Lord, hear our cry for justice;
Bless, O Lord, our God.

5. Blessed are those who show mercy toward others;
They will also have mercy.
Bless, O Lord, hear our cry for mercy;
Bless, O Lord, our God.

6. Blessed are the hearts that are clean and holy;
You will see the Lord.
Bless, O Lord, make us pure and holy;
Bless, O Lord, our God.

7. Blessed are the peace between us;
Who is the Son of God.
Praise the Lord, your peace with us;
Bless, O Lord, our God.

8. Bless those who suffer persecution;
for theirs is the kingdom of God.
Bless, O Lord, if we are to follow;
Bless, O Lord, our God. ...

Hope this helps!

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