Saturday, February 6, 2010

Find A Sorority Chapter Suspended So How Can I Find Out More About The Sorority?

Chapter suspended so how can I find out more about the sorority? - find a sorority

I'm always interested in an organization of Greek letters. However, the chapter was suspended from school. People tell me they have a fall line next year and the events that take off very secret campus. I wonder how I can learn more about this organization (eg, community service learning and other events, so I have a feeling) of what it can, if not personally know all the members. Thank you!


greenhou... said...

Personally, I would have no interest in joining a fraternity, which has performed so badly as to be exposed. I think if you really want to know more, please contact the "people" were told about the events very secret.

In some schools, participating in an illegal organization (especially one who was expelled from school) to students in difficulty. Then ask yourself whether it is worthwhile that the discipline problems joining a lower group, the disobedience to school ..... could fall is

dog knowledge. said...

To edvents and everything.

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