Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Usa Bandana Would This Be Disrespective Of Islam?

Would this be disrespective of Islam? - usa bandana

SIS me n front of my young friend Somaya chatted .... about women who share the ninja lol [black and wear the abaya niqaab]: We wondered what people are reacting as if we were dressed in conservative clothes and USA ... It is Moroccan but it is for the normal black scarf (she is only 19, but he chose to veil, if you wear to get married.)
It would be just to see how it feels on the skin of these women are .. do u think we should try?


History of Ideas said...

1) with a friend is not bad in Islam

2) It is just a joke about the ninja is not that Muslims have a sense of humor?

3) the hijab is not mandated by Islam, is a part of Islam, but if you follow the steps of the comically solehah Muslim ", then to everyone's taste.

4) Life is for those who veil in Western countries, not em brave souls decided to take tough, but a little crazy.

5) He just wanted to take the place of compassion that I righteuos Crazy stupid idiot Muslim.

♥ terry g ♥ said...

1) The word is disrespectful * * no disrespect.

2) Your relationship with your boyfriend is haram and disrespectful towards Islam.

3) Call abaya and niqab ninja "is itself offensive and disrespectful.

4) No disrespect to Islam by the treatment in this way. It's fun to dress like a joke. Women who dress this way to do this self-esteem. All that is lacking in this area.

So: Thanks for the thumbs down ... Everything that is in your question is a lack of respect, if you do not want to admit it or. They make fun of this dress, just your choice of words. Maybe you have to edit your thoughts carefully next time.

No, I'm blind. I know exactly what I see here.

You're the one who always brags about his status. They arrogantly proud of this fact, despite the fear that their actions are perceived by Muslims. I try not to judge anyone, but boast of their length dispect for Islam and its practices. It's sad.

Edit: ROFL ... Madenever stops?

☮Luwayla... said...

Why not?
Perhaps after that you want to use as you begin to focus both for the good. Sister's Boyfriend is your prerogative if you are the headscarf or not, whether this makes Inshallah is worn.
The up to you. You wrong.

Each in his own

PS Have fun!

Suryadi said...

I think it would be great! Everbody Where else can not see them and their identity - the face and body.

shaybani... said...

They deal with more of what people say that which Allah has to a friend

Mocking niqab is not a joke to say - not that I agree with is the fatwa, but reflects the seriousness of the matter,

-------------------------------------- ...

What is the decision that those who mock the hijab correctly use and to cover their faces and hands?


Praise be to Allah.

If you think the fun of a Muslim woman or man, and the application of the teachings of Islam does, is an infidel. And regardless of whether they are on women's hijab or any other issue of Sharia law. This is due to the following story of Umar Ibn 'basis: At a meeting in the Battle of Tabuk, a man said: "I have not seen
No One Like our readers of the Koran, which is more interested in food, no falsehood in word and cowardly if for the enemy. "A man said:" You lied and you're a liar. But I say that is the Messenger of Allah (peace and salvation with him about this). "
That message was communicated to the Messenger of Allah and the Koran was revealed. Abdullah Ibn Umar said: "I saw the man holding the bag for the camels of the Messenger of Allah and the dust hit him while he said:" O Messenger of Allah, we joked and played. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon) was with him only that the Koranic verse]

"It was Allah and His signs and His Messenger, you are funny?" No excuses not to believe after some reflection. If we are to forgive some of you punish others amongst you because 'they were sinners "(At-Tauba 65 -66).

As ridiculous as believers has been equated with mocking Allah, His signs and His Messenger.

The Standing Committee (www.islam-qa.com)

You will see the seriousness of this problem is Allah has taken me a lot less seriously than someone who shall make merry over a sister a call niqabi niqab ninja, laughing when others laugh at her niqab, or return, or extreme. Or worse.
The historical impact ridiculed the Koran readerss, and even mockery of the rules of Allah, or is suggested that those who wear the niqab is extreme, and so on.

freedom fighter said...

So this description is very offensive and it does not show that the Muslims in general, F / your words. And you know, I'm American and I wear black and wear Niqab, and one in the U.S., so I wear the right to know what I want. it's better than walking outside, to look like a cheap prostitute to advertise their products. also create normal clothing, only B / C we have decided not to reveal what appears does not allow you to call or anyhing more ninjas. I just want to say that I have to be like you and I never thought that a Christian or dressed like one of them and guess what, as you can see, I am proud that today, American Muslim. You never know what bereithält God's plan for you. . not shouldn'tb / C, if you so little respect for them, why it is important to ask how they are treated, not just a joke, if you want me. Yes, it is a difficult time where I am, but I would not do otherwise. I respect and can take care of myself physically if necessary, so it is not necessary that you orelse feel sorry for me or my sisters, who have opted, pious and modest.

and mocked his speech and whether it really respects the religion are not in this case, and if your friend does not (BTW when is allowed in Islam) and his sister still be investigated / b islamm as if it thinks it is fun make fun of her sisters should be for them anyway, if it is menstruation. You hope they live long enough to use it.

and who said the niqab is not part of Islam, then you need to study and B / C, but not required, is recommended. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) were all women.

deqwanbi... said...

Aurat coverage for men and women are from Allah swt in the directive, so you do not turn to tease.

Ṣaḥābah . said...

Of course, it is ahead, try it. But forced only for the record, Arent women in the United States were hizab wear and how they feel QA is concerned, they feel respected and safe.

JusAskn said...

No joke is that they know why these women should cover their bodies on the floor. Insha Allah may attempt to discover something about themselves.

JusAskn said...

No joke is that they know why these women should cover their bodies on the floor. Insha Allah may attempt to discover something about themselves.

Authentic Believer (SOA) said...

maybe u should try it since u sound so ignorant and disrespectful. I am a Muslim friend and SIS UR BF UR surprised even ridiculed. is mandatory in Islam. i AMSE (what ninja clothes or call), yes, black and long, but I think it's my gurad against the cruel world around me, and I am only 15 u know. I feel discriminated against people who are mainly the r ignorant, I think, and U seem to be the kind of person who laughed at me. I hope that Allah or ur BF and SIS, as it goes in the wrong direction my friend.

Ok peace.

Butterfly(Jesus is the way) said...

I am sorry that you have found all these rude responses. I agree, that this is not a sense of humor and say "No to ninja" Gee, is not disrespectful, I am not a Muslim, but lately, when I "I visited a Muslim country, the hijab, and some jelleba and I felt otherwise. The reason was because he had respect for the tradition. I did not go there during the fasting month of Ramadan and the public, without them, because they wanted the cause of a man with unclean thoughts. It seems that many of them as I can not bear dressed because it was a beautiful jelleba was not much like me. In Morocco, not only wear black, but jellebas wear many different colors. I see nothing wrong with experimentation. I mean, if a Non-Muslim is not what is wrong with a Muslim to do so.

icy clod said...

Woah! History of ideas, without offense, but where did u get boyfriends Arent haram!
And I am a Muslim, and if U had a day with me in everything I do is humor.

Anyway. The gr8 u want to try. I'm 11 I wear the hijab. My neighbor has it all with the ninja "," thing.

So try it. But not for pleasure, to be fair to take a new idea for a new life.
"All the best
(In my answers, I try not to be rude to ask or to respond to, so if I Pleez forgive me.)

-MeTheOne & Only

lazuzhas... said...

I'm not going on a few other things in your question, their friend, Ninja (etc etc) comment, but I must say that if I was interested in conversion to Islam and is against this reality, wore the hijab in to see a number of times how I felt. I felt wonderful because I looked at most people's eyes reduced, and it felt so good to me. And now, as a Muslim, wear a niqab (veil not and never will). Which brings me befoire helped pushed me more to want to keep to Islam ... is difficult to explain.
I'm not sure if his intentions are correct. The mine was to learn more about how it felt to be a Muslim woman, because I have been fascinated by religion. Oyurs could laugh ... Im not sure, and instant messaging will not judge him. But if you really interested to try, go ahead - make it an hour or two. Remember that you can act differently, and make as something that they are not.
In fact, it does not go beyond what would be disrespectful ... Only if you laughAnd if their intentions are bad, it's disrespectful. Inshallah, this is not the case.

Edit: I totally agree with Fez, she said what she meant ... simply better = p

Maria said...

If you are a Muslim, then you should know that a friend is haram. First. Secondly, by her Ninja .. lolz and say ... not recognized at all even more cautious. Infact his ethics and disadvantages of Islam as revealed hijab Islam.

If she wants to wear the full hijab. Allah is so happy with her. It is on the right track.
Anyone who in this world, he is a loser. He must know the teachings of Islam and what our religion is everything. If you are Muslim you are already blessed alhumdulillah. then try to make the best use possible. instead of your life a curse for the costs.
It is a matter of life and not ignore them. ~! TC

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