Friday, January 8, 2010

Tender Cervix Menstruation Is A Tender Cervix A Sign Of Early Pregnancy?

Is a tender cervix a sign of early pregnancy? - tender cervix menstruation

I have done much research on the Internet, but could not find a clear answer to the question of whether an offer may or neck pain during intercourse is a symptom of early pregnancy. I have never experienced pain during intercourse. Me and my Finace taxes and I've also had symptoms of pregnancy as a basis, but it is a stranger. I wonder if this happened to anyone? Thanks


Kayla born 8/18/09 <3 said...

Yes, I had these symptoms when I'm pregnant. I had no idea what was wrong at that time. He felt terrible. I remember leaning over pain every time they had sex or had an orgasm. For me, started 4 weeks, and I'm 26 weeks and it hurts sometimes.

In fact, at 11 weeks I went to the emergency room because I blew a blood vessel in the neck. I thought a miscarriage, but no. Its quite common, much more sensitive to the cervix.

good luck =)

Mommy 2 B July 26th To A Girl said...

I never had das

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